学术报告(韩佩松 5.19)

Data integration with oracle use of external summary information from heterogeneous populations

发布人:杨晓静 发布日期:2023-05-12
Data integration with oracle use of external summary information from heterogeneous populations
韩佩松副教授 美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校 (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)生物统计系

It is common to have access to summary information from external studies. Such information can be useful in model building for an internal study of interest and can improve parameter estimation efficiency when incorporated. However, external studies may target populations different from the internal study, in which case an incorporation of the corresponding summary information may introduce estimation bias. We develop a method that selects the external studies whose target population is the same as the internal study and simultaneously incorporates their available information into estimation. The resulting estimator has the efficiency as if we knew which external studies target the same population and made use of information from those studies alone. The method is applied to a prostate cancer study to incorporate external summary information to improve parameter estimation.