学术报告(黄少创 11.16)

Short time existence for harmonic map heat flow with time-dependent metrics

发布人:肖怡霏 发布日期:2021-10-27
Short time existence for harmonic map heat flow with time-dependent metrics
腾讯会议 会议ID: 954 726 099
黄少创 访问助理教授 南方科技大学

In this talk, we will talk about a short time existence result for harmonic map heat flow coupled with a smooth family of complete metrics in the domain manifold. This result generalizes short time existence results for harmonic map heat flow by Li-Tam and Chen-Zhu. In particular, we prove the short time existence of harmonic map heat flow along a complete Ricci flow g(t) on M into a complete manifold with curvature bounded from above with a smooth initial map of uniformly bounded energy density, under the assumptions that |Rm(g(t))| a/t and g(t) is uniformly equivalent to g(0). The main motivation of this work is the uniqueness problem of Ricci flow. This is a work joint with Luen-Fai Tam.